Bride And Groom Wedding Fashion

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Best Man and Groom Wedding Speech Help

Although the most anticipated toast of any wedding is usually the one given by the best man the groom speech is especially poignant and the most anticipated by the bride and members of the wedding party.

The best man toast is expected to be funny and very entertaining. It is expected that this toast will be a thorough character assault on the groom - albeit in a humours and entertaining fashion.

When it comes to the groom wedding speech tradition states that it should be more heartfelt, sincere and should include formal thanks to the wedding guest for their presents, attendance and to other members of the wedding party fro their help.

The truth is that if the Best Man delivers a boring speech no-one will really be affected that much although they may be a little disappointed. However, if the groom fails to deliver a good speech, especially those bits concerning the bride, then quite a few people may get upset (not least of all his new bride).

With the both speeches the thing to remember is that you are celebrating the joining of two people and your speech should always reflect that fact.

As best man you will be expected to highlight the flaws and funny stories associated with the groom while tying these stories into his new marriage (i.e. how he will be a disastrous husband or how he will have to put away his wild ways).

As the groom it is important to thank the parents of both yourself and your bride. However, the most important aspect of the speech involves addressing your new wife. You must highlight all her strengths and indicate the reasons why you love her so much.

There are a few other protocols to follow but these few tips should help you along the way. Be sure to study other speeches to get a feel and general overview of how you should structure your own.

If you are feeling a little panicky about writing your wedding speech then be sure to get the best advice about writing bestman speeches and groom speeches now.

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