Bride And Groom Wedding Fashion

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to Write a Wedding Or Party Cake Order

If you are serious about a cake business, you need to take the orders correctly. Speak with the client 2 weeks before to go over the order. Confirm it is correct. There is nothing worse than discovering the client expected something other than what you delivered.

Here is the 2 page information I use. Keep the original. The client gets the copy.

It is important a wedding order be placed a minimum of 2 months in advance. Depending on what they want, if you need to order something special or if you need to hand make Gum Paste flowers, it can be done 2 months ahead of time but not a few days before.

1. Day and Date of event

2. Reception Hall Name, Address and Phone Number

3. Name of person in charge at hall, including their cell or business number

4. Time of wedding if reception is at same place

5. Time of event if wedding is NOT at same place as reception

6. Deliver Time (should be minimum 2 hours in advance of expected arrival of guests)

7. Name of Client / Bride & Groom

8. Address (City, State and Zip)

9. Home phone of Client / Bride / Groom / Parent or Friend of Couple

10. Cell Phone of Client / Bride / Groom / Parent of Friend of Couple

11. Design of Cake (name of book design is in; page design is on)

12. Number of guests being served

13. Is cake stacked or separated by columns

14. If separated, what type of columns

15. Cake and Filling Flavors as well as cake sizes

16. If you are purchasing or making Gum Paste or Fondant flowers, list the names of the flowers and what colors you are to make them

17. Get color samples so you can match as closely as possible. Attach the samples to your copy of the Contract.

18. If you are using fresh flowers and you are getting them yourself from a wholesaler, be sure to figure out how many of each flower you need so you charge the client correctly. I usually charged at least double and sometimes triple the wholesale price.

19. Have client sign and date the order AFTER they read it. Remember. This IS a legal and binding contract which can be used in a Court of Law if for some reason you ever have to take legal action.

I wish you fun, creativity, many paying customers, and a long and fruitful business.

P.S. Oops, I forgot something else. Get deposits (½ down and balance due a week before the event), don't ever deliver a wedding or party cake if it is not paid in full 2 nights at the latest before the event. Charge for the things that need to be returned, and above all, Charge for YOUR worth). Also, be sure you charge a delivery and setup fee.

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